Wedding Policy

Congratulations on your decision to get married and thank you for considering the South Regina United Community (Wesley and Sunset Pastoral Charges) for your wedding venue. We welcome all who inquire, and we commit to live out our commitment as an “Affirming” church so we celebrate marriages of love, mutual respect, and equality regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Let us explain the expectations of the church for those who use our facilities for their wedding.

A Church Wedding

A church wedding is two things: a legal ceremony and an act of worship. In the ceremony we pray for a sense of God’s presence and ask for God’s blessing on the couple being married and on family life in general. The wedding may be quite large and formal, or small and informal, but recognition of our faith is essential if it is to be in the church.

Since marriage is one of life’s important decisions, we would strongly encourage you to spend time and energy on marriage preparation. Couples can take part in formal Marriage Preparation courses, or spend time privately with our minister.

The Role of the Minister

The first step in arranging for a wedding is to contact the minister at the church office, 306-586-3613, to arrange an initial discussion and the booking of the church. Please attempt to do this well in advance. The minister, in conversations with the couple, has several objectives in mind. They must go over legal requirements, fill in a marriage registration form, and go over the service. In addition they will want to spend enough time to get acquainted with you.  Your minister has been a part of many weddings and so is very well versed on how to make this day special. Therefore you are encouraged to consult with them on anything from decorations, guest lists, the layout of the service and wedding day and how to avoid some very common problems.

Before you can be married you must obtain a license which should be brought to the church office at least one week prior to the wedding.  For am up to date list of places that provide licences visit  A license is valid for three months.


The Marriage Act states that two adult (18 or over) credible witnesses must be present at a wedding and sign the marriage registration, the marriage certificate and the church record.


A wedding is a legal agreement so no one signing the papers (wedding couple and witnesses) may have any sign of intoxication with any substance.  Intoxication will result in the wedding being postponed.

The Church Service

The minister will go over with you the elements of the marriage service, including the music, to help you decide about several choices within the service.


The church can seat up to 250 people, but is also suitable for smaller weddings.

Marriage Certificate

Following your wedding the minister will give you a signed marriage certificate. Approximately a year following the marriage, you may obtain a copy of the marriage registration from:
     Information Services Corp. of Sask.
     Vital Statistics
     PO Box 2405 STN MAIN
     Regina, SK
     S4P 9Z9
     Telephone: 1-866-275-4721


To avoid distraction from the sacredness of the wedding service, we request that no pictures be taken during the ceremony by those in attendance. Non-flash photography is permitted by an assigned photographer during the service provided it is unobtrusive. Video recording equipment is permitted if it is stationary (i.e. tripod), without additional lighting, and at the back of the sanctuary.


Your ushers should be on duty at the church door one hour before the time of the wedding to receive and seat guests.

No Confetti or Substitutes Please

Flowers and other decoration

Please make your own arrangements but this is one of those times that consulting with your minister can be of benefit.

Financial Information

To support the ongoing ministry of the church, suggested honoraria are: Church (includes sanctuary, sound system, etc.): $400 Minister: $250 Musician: $100.  Please bring your final payment to the church office at least one week prior to the wedding.

Following the Wedding

We are happy to have been asked to share in this important occasion in your lives. We wish you a meaningful wedding service and every happiness together.  Your minister will not be expecting an invitation to your reception; if you wish to invite them, feel free to include this in your conversations.

After the wedding we hope that you will continue the relationship you have established with this church and will participate in the life and work of the congregation.